These wonderful cupcakes are small, delicious and soft! This is a simple recipe that I want to sharee with you today! Serve them with a creamy lime frosting and garnish however you like ( for example with a little zest or a slice of this juicy exotic fruit). This dessert is easy to make and it’s perfect to serve during summer snacks or cold winter tea time.
Ingredients for 10 cupcakes:
- 100 grams all-purpose flour
- 50 grams cornstarch
- 80 grams caster sugar
- 50 grams egg
- A pinch of salt
- 8 grams baking powder
- 50 grams melted butter
- ½ vanilla bean seeds or 1 sachet of vanillin
- 50 ml milk
- juice and grated zest of a lime
Lime frosting:
- 125 grams softened butter
- lime zest
- A pinch of salt
- 125 grams icing sugar
- juice of half a lime
Put sugar,salt and lime zest in a large bowl and whisk together by hand. Add the egg, the butter and the milk, in the mixing bowl with the sugar and whisk together.Sift flour, cornstarch and the baking powder into a large bowl. Add the vanilla. Then mix together and set aside. Add dry ingredients to the wet ones in the mixing bowl and mix with a whisk on a low speed until just combined. Fill cupcake papers about ¾ full and bake at 180° Celsius for about 20 minutes.
Now prepare the frosting. Whip butter, zest and salt together with a whisk. Pour the juice of the lime. Add the sugar little by little. Decorate with a sac à poche and garnish with lime slices.